And then I didn’t sleep

So I went to bed at just gone midnight and got up at 7AM without anything in the way of sleep. Let the dogs out, fed them and then made breakfast. Dogs were confused. Finally loaded Dillon into the car and dropped him at daycare. Then carried on up to the M5 and off to Staverton. Made it in good time. James was late. We got going near enough straight away. Straight into circuits, I think I did about six. Then a load of short circuits into autorotations and flares. We were limited to exactly an hour as the other R22 was knackered and there was a queue to use this one. One more flight to do emergency procedures in parts of the circuit and then it’s solo time.

Drove back and started work about half eleven. Worked through till about half three then picked up Dillon. Then worked up until Pump, did that, picked up a parcel and then did a home check for a cat. Came back and did a couple more hours work. Finally sat down and ate salad. I think I have about two and a half pounds to lose now. Running and PT with Laverne tomorrow.

I slept! It’s an interesting new concept

So after double the recommended dose of a sleeping pill I actually got off to sleep in about ten minutes. Didn’t wake up until about 8:30. It was wonderful. Got straight on with work. Got very pissed off with some very old GUI code. After several attempts I gave up on my first line of attack. After another couple of hours I got it mostly sorted, just need to add a load of code later on. I was going to go for a walk but then there was a sudden emergency that the on screen keyboard didn’t work. The reason being that it had never actually been written. So that was a fun few hours. Went out for a run. Came back and did another hour or so. Finally sat down and ate salad. Will pop some more pills then head to bed.

Oh, I’ve lost over six centimetres from around my gut, quite pleased with that. Still I’m trying to break the ten stone barrier by Sunday, almost there. Dillon at daycare tomorrow, slight diversion on the way home…going via Staverton aerodrome.

Depression and QVC

So yet another fun night going between beds, to mainly stay cool. Didn’t get a huge amount of sleep. Work was quite dull, mainly working through bugs and then looking at text rendering. A hell of a long day though all in all.

Walked Sasha. It was a lovely day today, really quite warm. Went to Body Combat, there was a whole seven of us there. Wasn’t overly in the mood but gave it a good shot. I’d already had chest pains earlier in the day, which were more stress related than anything else. Felt fine this evening when doing yet more work. Took a fun batch of herbal sleeping pills, doubt they will do anything. Ate salad. Tomorrow it’s more of the same and back to running, which oddly I’m quite looking forward to. My new shoes arrived.

I filmed a new video a week or so ago, I just sat on the couch and talked about lots of fun things. I’ve edited it down into two parts, the first part covers an update on my handling of depression and also the latest on my mothers QVC buying habits.

So I was shown round the car showroom by the brother of the guy who owns the local Indian

Yet another fun night of not much sleep. The guy who owned the local Indian introduced me to his brother, he showed me round the car showroom. He decided that I should have a Ford Puma, which is odd considering it was a Vauxhall garage. Then he introduced me to a Chinese woman who got the Insignia VXR up on her computer. I’d only decided on the colour when I woke up. Had breakfast, did a bit of reading. Got up and picked up dog poo. Had a couple of boiled eggs. Then we loaded the dogs in the car and went to the Hollyhedge fund day, dog show. We had a wonder round, I entered them both into best rescue. We got a fifth for the two of them. Also one a couple of bottles of wine in the raffle. Came back and went for a run. I fixed the kitchen scales, they were full of water. I took them apart and cleaned out the inside. Took them into the bedroom and Jamie said, ha, I thought you were going to dry it out with the hairdryer. I dried the insides with the hairdryer. Put it back together and it worked fine. Had a bath with a large orange squash. Then watched the Monza Grand Prix, which was actually quite good. Got another sleepless night ahead I’m sure.

Considering I’ve done bugger all, all day, I’m fairly knackered

So slept fairly okay as far as I can remember. Got up and had breakfast. We then ventured up to the Mall so Jamie could buy trousers for fat people. Came back and had a light lunch. Then went and had my hair coloured and cut. Read ‘Air law’ while it was all brewing, almost fell asleep. Picked up some poo bags and hooves. Came back and then went for a run. Did the full eight miles. Had a shower. Did the accounts. Had my two tins of Spaghetti Bolognese. Ordered yet more trunks and new shoes. Not impressed the last ones only lasted about three months. Now sat down watching the Grand Prix qualifier. Fell fairly tired, will go to bed straight after this is finished.

No more affairs and still no bloody piano

So yet another sleepless night, but no more weird dreams. I did get a bit of sleep in the morning though. Work was rather dull if somewhat progressive. Fixed and went through a lot of bugs. Still more to go. Walked the dogs with Jamie lunchtime. Went to Pump and did a session with Laverne. Food consisted of two tins of macaroni cheese and two slices of toast. This is living the gourmet highlife.

So at 4AM I went to buy a piano and almost had an affair

Even though I was completely exhausted I still failed to get to sleep. At about 4AM I was drowning in my own sweat so got up and went in the spare room. There I actually drifted off pretty quickly. I decided I needed to buy a piano, so ended up in a shop which I’d apparently been in before, owned by some guy and his mother. No idea about the mother but the guy was really cute, he was in his mid-twenties, so it was quite odd, I usually lose interest by the time they have their A-level results. Anyway we got chatting, we ended up on the couch talking about god knows what. After about an hour of talking bollocks he turned and asked if I was going to stay the night. I gave him a big kiss, then showed him my ring, said thanks for the offer, but that I was married. I never did get the fucking piano.

Woke up and spent quite a long time implementing fences. These are not the sort you put round a garden. Although, oddly they were required around the grass code. I had a problem where the grass was being produced async, but due to various GPU buffer weirdness it was possible to do a buffer overwrite. So I had to add an end of pipe fence to just after the buffer was last used, this was to make sure the async event didn’t tank the buffer. Anyway, after multiple cups of coffee and lots of cruising porn I finally had that working. Then spent a few hours trying to fix a bug in a system that wasn’t working, then found out that system never worked anyway so gave up on that. I’ll probably rip it all out tomorrow just to tidy it up a bit. I spent the rest of the day starting to go through my vast outstanding bug list, thankfully a lot of them I’m passing on to other people.

Went for a run, about four minutes slower tonight, got held up in a couple of places by bad traffic. Finished editing part one of new video, it covers depression and mother, they are actually two separate subjects, but so easily be combined. Tonight I’m looking forward to going fishing with Adam Rickitt and then banging him senseless on my private yacht.

Was supposed to finish work on time, oh well

So failed to sleep yet again, so got up at 6:30 and took Sasha to daycare. Went back to bed, did manage to get an hours sleep then got up again to take Dillon to the vet for his kennel cough booster. Came back and started on work. Cleaners arrived later than usual. I worked all the way through until about quarter to six. Mainly working on a couple of odd bugs. Still a lot of work to do though. Went to Pump, average effort I guess. Came back, drank protein shake, did more bloody work. Was planning on finishing editing new video, ended up doing more work. Didn’t finish until very late. Ate salad, did more work. Now sat down and it’s gone midnight. Hopefully I will sleep tonight though. Back to running tomorrow.

So two days down, eleven to go

Yet another fairly sleepless night, think I finally dropped off about 5AM. Started work vaguely on time. Tested a load a stuff I had from yesterday then spent the bulk of the day fixing a rather bizarre bug with a ring buffer. Anyway, got there in the end. Missed a parcel, postman I think got frightened off by the dog. Went for a run, pretty good, I’m always within a minute of the same time which is a bit strange. Came back, had a shower, did a bit more work.

Ate salad. So it’s now eleven days until the holiday. So nothing but salad, tea, coffee and water until then. Jamie is on this weird liquid diet, so I thought I’d make a bit of an effort. Plus I’ve ordered Speedo’s, so need to look good in them.

Sasha off to daycare tomorrow, Dillon off to the vets, then I’ll be off to Pump.

Liz babbled, I stared in the mirror

Had a very very restless night, got up multiple times. Eventually got up and started work. Nothing too exciting today, some more shader changes. Also fixed an annoying problem to do with rain. Took Sasha out for a walk. Went to Combat this evening, I do love standing at the front staring at myself. Came back, drank protein shake. Edited new video, I’m going to split it into two as it’s a bit long and rambling. Also today is the first day of my ‘thirteen day detox’. So no booze until we are on holiday now. Also no pizza. So it’s salad and low calorie stuff for the next couple of weeks. Just looking at trunks on Amazon, need something to show my fantastic body off.

I’m going to bed to read ‘Air law’, if that doesn’t send me to sleep then nothing will.