So yet another fun night going between beds, to mainly stay cool. Didn’t get a huge amount of sleep. Work was quite dull, mainly working through bugs and then looking at text rendering. A hell of a long day though all in all.
Walked Sasha. It was a lovely day today, really quite warm. Went to Body Combat, there was a whole seven of us there. Wasn’t overly in the mood but gave it a good shot. I’d already had chest pains earlier in the day, which were more stress related than anything else. Felt fine this evening when doing yet more work. Took a fun batch of herbal sleeping pills, doubt they will do anything. Ate salad. Tomorrow it’s more of the same and back to running, which oddly I’m quite looking forward to. My new shoes arrived.
I filmed a new video a week or so ago, I just sat on the couch and talked about lots of fun things. I’ve edited it down into two parts, the first part covers an update on my handling of depression and also the latest on my mothers QVC buying habits.