Seamstress required

So woke up quite late. Actually awaken by the dogs who wanted a pee. I then had breakfast followed by average sex. I skipped lunch and headed out. Parked up at Winterbourne. Managed about seven caches, it kept on raining which was rather annoying. Came back about six, waited around for a bit then got the BBQ going. It took about half a bottle of white spirit and a dozen copies of the ‘Evening Post’ to get it going, but after about an hour and a half it was ready. So we had a sad BBQ for two, with two dogs, on a cloudy evening. It was kind of sweet in the sense of an old couple who eat soggy sandwiches on a beach in Devon in November. I had a bath.

Now, I don’t usually ask for much as I usually just buy it, I don’t like asking people for things, but I happen to know someone who threw there son out of there house so they could have a sewing room….I need some simple sewing done. I’m coming up now to 250 geocaches found. So I’m going to get a t-shirt and a couple of so on patches, it’s very boy-scout I know, but it’s taken a lot of work to get to 250. Okay, I’m not actually there yet, I’m at about 160. But I reckon a good eight to ten days caching I’ll be there. I think I’ll be quite proud to where my geeky t-shirt with my patches on it.

On another note, mother is back to her old buying habits. She orders forty quids worth of Nina Leonard skirt shit, then moans at my sister that she’s over her overdraft limit. Sorry, sympathy has ended, lets just do the ‘Lord is my Shepard’ thing and move on. I’ve seriously just had enough now.

I cooked fish, Jamie ate it, must have been good

This morning started fairly well. I ate breakfast, drank coffee and read the paper. I then took the dogs for a walk, via the vets. Dillon escaped but only tottered down the verge a bit. Came back and had lunch. Headed over Cotham way, did some geocaching, only found about four, they don’t seem to be maintained very well in this area. Came back, did the accounts. Then edited a new video of Sasha with a GoPro attached, it’ll be a few weeks before that one is released.

Then I made dinner, which was sea bass in a cajun seasoning. I did it in the oven sealed in foil. It was lovely, served with rice and a salad. Jamie ate all of it, and he’s not a big fish fan, so I’ll chalk that up as a success.

Goodbye my lover, good bye my friend (okay, it’s a wallet)

Today I woke up feeling shit. Not because I slept badly I didn’t. Mainly because I was so shitfaced nothing was going to keep me awake. I think I’m going to have to cancel a couple of things. ‘Torture Porn Night’ has to go. I just end up eating shit and drinking too much, plus going to bed at 3AM then fucks up my non-existent sleep pattern. I think I’m just going to have a ‘movie night’ which is the same as any other, but I just start watching it a bit earlier and accompany it with tea. Friday night baths have to go as well. Again I end up consuming too much wine and end up eating far too late. (Plus it removes the need to ring mother). Saying that tonight I haven’t had a bath and haven’t eaten and it’s still half eleven.

Went for a run lunchtime. Went to pump this evening. My arms are appearing again from the blubber, give it another week before I can stare at myself again. Looked for a few caches on the way back from the gym, only found one.

Said goodbye to an old friend today. My wallet. Due to the accuracy and dullness of my accounting system I can tell you the exact date and cost. Thirteenth of April, 2001. Nine pounds ninety-nine. Came from a shop in Cribbs (which is no longer there, the shop that is) called ‘Free Spirit’. I don’t think thirteen years is too bad for a wallet. Lets see how long the new one lasts for.

Hunky chunky almonds, I finally got you

Probably best nights sleep this week, even though it wasn’t that great. Worked on a number of small things today. Can’t go into vast detail, but to give you a clue I had to stop reading from garlic, it’s very slow.

Ran with the dogs lunchtime, well ran with Sasha, Dillon kind of pottered along and pulled.

This evening I headed A38 north again and did a couple of puzzle caches. One I hadn’t attempted before and was fairly straightforward. The other one I’d attempted a couple of times before, at least over a year ago. Finally solved the puzzle and gave it another go. Still took ages digging around until I found a mark on a tree, which was the hint, then I found the thing. It’s name incidentally….well, Hunky chunky almonds of course.

Came back. Did a bit more work. Then shot the final part of the USA trip video. Will try and edit that tomorrow.

Almost working again…almost

So started off at about 6:20AM, took Sasha to daycare. It has moved. I had to find it. It’s a couple of miles away from the old one, I’ll live.

Felt tired after another naff night. Still doing the SDK upgrade which is now completed. All checked in. Rained all day. Picked up Sasha, on the way back met the courier half way down the road, signed for parcel. Went to the gym and did Pump, slowly working the weights back up, very slowly. Came back and fitted the memory upgrade, that worked without a problem. Installed the new SSD, now having great issues cloning the old one. Had to go back to Acronis 2009 to find a clone that worked, actually to find a clone that started, whether it works or not is another thing. Hopefully it will, then have to put the bloody machine back together. Been a fairly shit week regarding all this sort of thing so far.

Lost a bit of weight, which isn’t bad. Didn’t run today as it was very wet.

BSOD did not defeat me, just pissed me off a bit

So another night which was hot and clammy. Worked out the faulty SIMM module, but after that it still didn’t boot properly, so started working through msconfig disabling stuff. Turned out it was Acronis, which is annoying as thats the backup software, so could restore an earlier backup. Had issues uninstalling it, in the end I just put the latest version on there. Will register it tomorrow and pay the upgrade price. It’s been five years since I’ve updated it, so it hasn’t done bad.

Finally managed to get some work done, and thankfully that was actually successful. Went for a run. Then this evening ended up walking for two and a half hours looking for one geocache, which I found, eventually, after wading through a river.

Updated the server and word press. Looked at fish recipes. Will attempt another early night. Sasha at daycare tomorrow, it’s at a new location. Cleaners should be coming as well.

I picked the wrong day to give up glue sniffing

Actually this morning started fine, which was odd as last night was bloody awful. It was just so muggy that neither of us could sleep. Anyway, work started fine after I got the machine to boot, worked okay all day. Still working on an SDK update, which has now become ‘problematic’. Decided I’d have to think about it a little bit more. Then decided to update the video driver to see if that shifts the BSOD on login. Nope, now can’t get the bloody thing to boot at all. So going to leave it on a memory test overnight to make sure it isn’t a hardware problem. Then god knows how long it’s going to take to get going.

Went to Combat, first time in four weeks. Actually it wasn’t too bad, got back into the swing of it quite quickly.

I cycled 38 miles, Jamie went to Nando’s

This weekend has really been a bit of a recovery and catchup. Had problems sleeping Friday night and din’t really get some good sleep until midday Saturday. We then went shopping. I bought a new phone (well it didn’t actually cost anything, but another 24 month contract, HTC One M8). Bought some expensive t-shirts. We then went out in the evening with my sister, which was good as always, some nice food too.

Sunday, well I got up vaguely early. Mowed the lawn and picked up the dog poo, put down a bit more grass seed. Then I dug the MTB out, oiled it up and pumped up the tires. Had a quick lunch then cycled 38 miles to bath and back. Was good, haven’t done any cycling for a long long time, need to get back into it again for sure. Need to get the bike serviced, it’s making some odd noises. Came back, Jamie had got out of bed and been to Nando’s with Callum. He still hasn’t changed the bed. Fixed up all the accounts and paperwork. Good to go for the week ahead now, holiday is just a distant memory.