I cooked fish, Jamie ate it, must have been good

This morning started fairly well. I ate breakfast, drank coffee and read the paper. I then took the dogs for a walk, via the vets. Dillon escaped but only tottered down the verge a bit. Came back and had lunch. Headed over Cotham way, did some geocaching, only found about four, they don’t seem to be maintained very well in this area. Came back, did the accounts. Then edited a new video of Sasha with a GoPro attached, it’ll be a few weeks before that one is released.

Then I made dinner, which was sea bass in a cajun seasoning. I did it in the oven sealed in foil. It was lovely, served with rice and a salad. Jamie ate all of it, and he’s not a big fish fan, so I’ll chalk that up as a success.

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