That’s 30 litres of Chardonnay and 5 litres of Shiraz brewing

Didn’t start the day quite as early as I planned but still felt pretty good. Got straight on with work, some physics to do and then a bit of AI. It was a varied if not entirely productive way work wise (sometimes no matter how hard you try it just goes like that some times). So need to do a bit more on it tomorrow but that will probably be the end of this little project.

Went out for a run (Jamie’s turn to walk the dog). Came back, did some more work, went to the early evening. Then it was a bit of a mass sterilization session. Bottled the Strawberry and added the oak to it, I’ll leave that to sit for a few weeks and see if it needs further sweetening. Then started up 30 litres of Chardonnay (not a cheap one either) and 5 litres of Shiraz (okay, I didn’t break the bank, I’m not a fan of red). Red is brewing, white just needs to come up to temperature before I add the yeast. Then it’s just sit back and wait. And hope this time it doesn’t explode.

That’s pretty much filled my evening, so now I’m going to have a shower and then eat salad and watch crap TV. Avoiding the wine, which is a bit odd as I spent all evening with the bloody stuff. Early start tomorrow, Sasha off to daycare and cleaners are coming. Just need to take out the bins now.

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