Bloody lower case, gets on my tits

Actually had a reasonable nights sleep after I did the multi-bed shuffle and all Jamie’s devices finally stopped buzzing. So got up and got on with it. Had a load more content export stuff to sort out, then a load of content searching, that went all relatively smoothly. Walked Sasha. Went for a run just before six. Came back and then spent the next three hours trying to load a fucking texture. The content searching returns a file name. I then tried to load that file name. The great fun being that the search file name is linux based, so is case sensitive. I then had to jump through a ton of hoops to try and get it to the actual system load call without prefixing it with some shit and without changing the case. After three hours, still didn’t bloody work. Will crack it tomorrow.

Torture porn night. Have to pick up the shopping tomorrow as all the delivery slots were taken up.

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