Last week you were asking me for £7, now you are spending £31.97 on fucking Laura Geller foundation

The cleaners were coming today. So the first thing I did was clean the kitchen. It was in a hell of a state. Mind you the state I left it in was hardly brilliant. Work was all about converting some phase one shader outputs. Monotonous, but kind of fun. Got an email from mother last night, moaning that her freeview box on her bedroom telly has gone bang. Then asked how I was. Got an email today from one of her credit cards saying that’s she’s only paying the minimum payment. Then later I get a copy of a QVC password reset request. And then a fucking QVC order for £31.97 for some foundation. Surely she can get something from Tesco’s for two quid that she can lay on her crinkly near death face? Or failing that, B&Q do a really big bucket of fine wall filler for about a fiver. That will last her until death, mind you if I had my way a small sachet would do that. Sorry but you can’t go from almost threatening emails to me last week begging for £7, to splashing out on some expensive makeup product this week. Just isn’t on. She can fuck off.

Walked the dogs. Walked to the gym. Walked to my sisters and fed her dogs and let them out. Walked home. That’s almost four hours of exercise today.

Car in for a service tomorrow.

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