You don’t need a 4×4 you want a boat

The morning started off fairly dull. Made it to work on time, that’s only because the dog wasn’t here to be fed. Picked up a couple of emails but nothing urgent requiring my immediate attention. So spent the bulk of the morning working on iOS stuff. Apple are determined to make a fairly simple job, fairly traumatic.

Lunchtime, needed to do the shopping. First time I’ve shopped in Tesco at that time for years, never again. It was full of young mothers who wouldn’t move and old people who couldn’t fucking move. Sorry but why do you have to stare at a pile of noodles for so fucking long? Are you seeing the Virgin Mary in pasta? Pick them up, shove them in your trolly and fuck off out of my way.

So, unpacked the shopping, had lunch and got back to work. Later it was time to pick the dog up. Now, we’ve had a little bit of rain yesterday, going down the back route I was suddenly confronted by a field full of water and lots of drivers in 4×4’s looking smug. Then I saw white van man come corr-erring round the corner and aqua planing into the field. After I finished laughing I decided to turn round and find a different route. Still, several times I was up over the radiator in water. Finally got to the kennels, picked up dog, she appeared to have eaten through her harness which means they left her in it for too long when I dropped her off. They did bath her, but I think it’s time to find a new kennel, they are very expensive and a pain to get to.

Came back home, back to work. Went to gym. New Body Combat, this one’s pretty good. Came home, did work. iOS still continues to be an ass and won’t work properly on TestFlight. Had salad and I’m now back to the Singapore GP qualifying. Feeling quite tired so may head for an early night. Must eat a banana.

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