Wondering if I’m too old for all this shit and if I should just be content

Bit of an odd day. Spent it all on Xbox One. Most of it trying to get it to run. It has a very interesting issue with overflows turning to qnan’s. Walked Sasha, it stayed dry just. Walked to the gym, it didn’t, did Combat and walked home. Annoyed as I forgot my towel so had to take a shower at home. Still wondering about everything. What decisions I should make, what direction I should go, I really don’t know any more. But in better news the iMac’s will indeed run on 110V.

One thought on “Wondering if I’m too old for all this shit and if I should just be content

  1. If you don’t make the change, every time things are crap you’ll sit there regretting it. If you give it a go, you throw yourself in to a whole bunch of new life experiences which will have ups and downs but will never be boring. Also nothing is permanent.

    Personally I’ve always found the big scary changes to be positive in the end and the times I’ve stuck with the safe-but-less-than-great status quo to be the regrets in life.

    Good luck either way!

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