46 litres of wine now brewing

Work was rather dull, which made a bit of a nice change this week. Working on moving some GUI stuff to render on a thread. As exciting as it sounds, oddly worked first time though which is always quite worrying as it means it will comeback and bite me in the ass in about a weeks time. Walked Sasha. Then my wine kits arrived. I got three lots of white and a red. Together with a a bottle cleaner and a load of corks. Went for a run. It’s getting really dark early now, so had to cut it a little short. Still managed about seven miles though.

Came back, did a bit more work then sterilised two buckets and a load of kit. Poured in a rather expensive Voignoir and a Californian into buckets and topped them up with water. Added the various bits and the yeast. Now they are in the spare room starting to activate. They smell delightful.

Today is a bit of a sad day, a colleague who I’ve worked with at my current company for almost eight years and at a previous company for almost ten years, is leaving today. Haven’t seen him in a long time as he’s now in Australia. I wish you all the very best for the future Al and I hope we don’t lose touch.

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