It’s official then, I’m no longer mad

Woke up this morning to get a letter, it was my Class 2 medical certificate. So now I’m cleared to fly solo. Just need to pass air law and learn to actually hit the target spot all the time, not just once in a session.

Spent the bulk of the day encoding video, this was actually for work purposes. Ended up doing it on the Mac as it was just better at it and more flexible. Finally checked in all the video code and a load of other stuff. Up to date again now. Tomorrow I have to look at some remote play stuff which should be quite interesting.

Went to the gym and did Spin with Laverne. Coming to the end of the month now. It’s been interesting but fun. Thinking about doing a few more videos. I think the next one will be based on mothers famous anecdotes, after all, everyone wants to hear about the time I got bullied (which never actually happened), or the record my cousin broke which never actually existed. There’s a few more as well.

Still trying to catch up with TV.

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