Am I using the internet to cruise porn? No, I’m looking at bathroom tiles

So today I was looking at improving Android processes. Mainly trying to ditch Cygwin as it’s incredibly slow. Found something that does work quite well and allows me to compile for Android from VC2010. Sample projects work wine, our own projects now build but I’m getting some weird link errors. Also had a good blast at trying to get the source debugger to work, now that’s a real shit. Will probably do battle with it again tomorrow.

The boiler man came, well the plumber man. Looks like he knows his stuff. Will wait for his quote, he’s also going to quote me on the bathroom.

Dogs annoying me, three days following she’s pissed on the floor over night.

Went to gym, ran for seventy two minutes. Now looking at sinks….may be some porn later. Oh yes, must write about that butt cheek incident soon…