Obnoxious twat

So this morning started early doors with a ride to the track where I spent most of the day doing a ‘First aid at work course’. Which was very good, I learnt CPR, the recovery position, pulled a babies head off etc.

Went home and walked the dogs. Then as I’d been sat on my arse most of the day I went for a very long walk. Now at one point I was crossing a very busy A road and a car turned right out of a traffic filter and came right at me, it was a green man, I hopped out of the way just iin time. This was directly outside a police station and there were several police cars in other lanes. She turned right into a one way system, the wrong way. Blue lights came on and he followed the car just over the junction and blocked it off before anyone came the other way. Now I do have a healthy dislike for the police, some can be quite nice, but most I’ve known or come across, think they are judge, jury and executioner and that they are way above everybody else. Case in point, I walked down towards the police car incase they’d like to speak to me, check I was alright or indeed take a statement. No, they were giving the occupants directions. Police bloke pokes his head out of the car looks at me and says, ‘yes?’. I said I was the one on the crossing at the time, he just said in a rather obnoxious manner, ‘We’ll deal with it from here thank you’, and just turned away. I just said, ‘Fine’ and walked away. Next time you bang on my door and ask me if I saw anyone vandalising the phone box across the road again, I’ll just reply, ‘I’m sure you can deal with it from here.’, and close the door. Twat.

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