I’d be happy with a TV as long as it doesn’t have a silver bezel

Started this morning with much coffee and papers. Finally we got up and took the dogs out to the field. Dillon was a pain in the ass pulling but they both really enjoyed themselves when they got there. Dillon actually won the ball catch competition. Came back and then headed to Cribb’s. I wanted to look at some televisions, Jamie wanted to go to the toy shop. Then we headed to his mothers. Jamie said that he’d only notified her that I wouldn’t eat gammon a matter of hours before, she said that this was already in hand and I was having fish. I joked that it would hardly be sea-bass and expected something like cod in butter sauce as you could just bung it on the hob (I like cod in butter sauce by the way, often have it). We arrived, I was having sea-bass, I was very pleasantly surprised. I helped with the veg, well I shook it around somewhat. Dinner really was lovely, sea-bass and a couple of rather exotic veg and potatoes. The sea-bass was actually stuffed with what I think was basically a tomato based nut-roast. Oh and there was a plate of sausage rolls that we polished off. Alison is now in her ‘pink’ phase. I remembered your request for crimbo and it’s now in hand…..Drove home. Had a bath. Phoned mother. She was moaning about her TV again, I said I would speak to my sister and see if we could get her a modern flat screen TV for Christmas, she said instantly that she ‘Doesn’t want one with a silver bezel as it won’t go with the lounge’, this is why she will get a one-way ticket to a Swiss clinic for Christmas.

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