The joys of SSL

Last night after consuming much wine I decided to delve into the joys of SSL certificates. As I have two sites, then two certificates were required. Now being a cheap scape I looked at all the free solutions and after much research decided they were all a bit bilge. So in the end settle on two ‘normal’ SSL certificates from, which at the moment are doing them for around a tenner each, so worth the punt.

Signing up was a fairly straightforward process, persuading my ca.privacy address to forward their conformation email was a little bit more problematic. But after confirming I was the owner of the domains then getting the certificates was fairly straightforward.

Getting them into Apache was again straightforward and I then had padlocks on my https pages without the browser moaning about dodgy certificates. No green bar, but for that you have to pay about five hundred quid.

Courier was easier than I’d thought, even setting it up with two ip address on two certificates. And I’ve done enough postfix edits now to get that going easily. So now, twenty quid down but no more browser or email moaning and pretty padlocks.

And two nice evenings in a row, but tonight the flies must have stayed on the cycle path as my cycle trip was fairly clear. The gym must be missing me, still it may be pissing down tomorrow.

Oh apparently I’m on a promise tonight, it is a bit warm though.